Take your studies to the next level.
Navigating the world of test-prep doesn't have to be daunting.
Studying for the digital SAT exam?
We have three new study guides / workbooks available!
The LearnCurious Companion SAT prep books:
- Algebra Skills: https://amzn.to/3VgVmRg
- Verbal: https://amzn.to/3X20ji9
- Geometry & Trigonometry: https://amzn.to/4bVHsc0
*These are our affiliate marketing links. As the author of the books and as Amazon Associates, we earn from qualifying purchases.
Upcoming release: The Problem Solving & Data Analysis (PSDA) LearnCurious Companion SAT Workbook. All you need to know to solve PSDA questions on the digital SAT test. Coming in October!
Invest in developing learning skills that last a lifetime.
Standardized tests are comprised of certain types of repeating question styles.
To see big improvements fast, students must identify challenge patterns and learn how to strategically target their studies.
Click here to see a list of subjects available for online coaching.
It's common for students to feel anxiety about exams.
Learning ways to actively manage anxiety can help improve scores and promote positive mental health habits.
Years of Experience
Standardized Tests
Average SAT score increase
Average Composite ACT score increase
Check us out on
test prep strategies
digital SAT vocab + quizzes
Desmos calculator tips
digital SAT algebra question walkthroughs
"week / day of the test" MUST-KNOW tips
& much, much more!

LearnCurious is happy to announce
the 5th annual
Phyliss J. McCarthy Scholarship
Excellence in Writing
2024 Prompts:
In 2000 words or fewer, respond to one of the following prompts:
NARRATIVE: Do you remember the first time, or a specific time, you made someone laugh? OR do you remember a time someone made you laugh? Tell the story of what happened and its impact on you.
META: Write a letter to your future self and detail a day in your life currently. Touch on what is most meaningful to you and what makes you feel the strongest emotions.
WACKY: Complete the 12 Mad-Lib-style fill-in-the-blanks below, then craft a piece of poetry or prose that includes both a secret message* as well as each of your chosen words at least once (in no particular order):
___ (something inherited) ___ (item seen in nature) ___ (random word you like the sound of)
___ (type of weather) ___ (specific texture) ___ (color)
___ (type of body of water) ___ (plant or animal) ___ (specific scent or flavor)
___ (emotion) ___ (something you love) ___ (a memento or talisman)
*Note: You may choose to include your secret message (or a hint to it)
in the 'Anything you'd like to add?' box in the submission form below. Or not.

Students learn differently.
When students understand the ways they learn and study best,
they develop skills that will help them succeed in school and beyond.
Misunderstanding material is often due to a focus challenge
coming from students needing to receive the material in a different way.
A spark of excitement is often the difference
between rote memorization and true, conceptual understanding.
Let's talk about how we learn.
to Learn
People have different strengths when it comes to learning.
Understanding what study methods work best for you allows you to encode information to long-term memory efficiently.
Analyzing scores is essential to dynamically guiding study and maximizing improvement.
Test Prep Strategies
SAT (digital)
ACT (paper-based & digital)
PSAT (digital)
AP Tests
IB Exams
NY Regents
Private & Catholic School Entrance Exams:
English Grammar
College Application Essays
Test-specific Tips
Academic Essays
Research Papers
Works Cited Pages &
Literary Analysis
Outlining & Planning
Formatting & Style
Editing & Proofreading
Creative Stories
Anxiety Management
Math anxiety?
Test-taking anxiety?
Learn test-taking skills
for working under
time pressure:
- goal-setting
- time-management
- study planning
& organization
- meditation & focus techniques
Elementary & MIddle School Test dates
Jan, Feb, April, June, & July
Home-based SSAT testing is now available on select other dates:
2024: late October
(exact dates released by late summer)
2024: early November
(exact dates released by late summer)
2024: early November
(exact dates released by late summer)
2024: early December
(exact dates released by late summer)
Lower and Middle Levels 2024: offered 3x/year in fall, winter, and spring/summer seasons